CPA Statement
CPA and OPA Joint Statement
In light of the recent Application by Dr. B. Jam under the Human Rights Code, the OPA and CPA provide the following joint statement:
Oct 28, 2021
The Ontario Physiotherapy Association (OPA) and the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) decry racism in all forms. As member organizations, we are committed to listening, learning, and taking action whenever necessary to address racism within our profession and, more broadly, within healthcare. We support the investigation of any alleged acts of racism and discrimination within the physiotherapy profession and the implementation of any recommendations resulting from such investigations.
The OPA and CPA are in favour of a strong and accountable self-regulation system for regulated health professions. The success of our profession’s self-regulation system is predicated on the ability of individual physiotherapists and registrants to engage in a respectful and productive dialogue – both in agreement and in dissent – with their regulatory college. Any processes or actions that impede this ability to engage, or are perceived to inhibit or discourage participation, with the college should be reviewed and addressed.
The Ontario Physiotherapy Association and the Canadian Physiotherapy Association remain committed to supporting and advocating on behalf of its members so that they can continue to provide quality physiotherapy services to the people of Ontario and Canada.