Pain Management
Start here for pain interventions, treatment strategies, and pain management research.
Arthritis Pain
An online educational tool for managing chronic pain.
A Tissue Lesion – A Worthwhile Pursuit… Some Cases!: Geoff Scheider and Ashley Smith
Is neck pain after a whiplash injury always non-specific? Perhaps there are times when identifying a source of nociception is a worthwhile endeavor.
Free Online Pain Course for Patients
A series of 8 short topics explains pain to patients.
Great Reads
This section contains various books on pain management as well as other topics related to pain management.
Healthy Eating Habits
Canada’s Food Guide, managed by the Government of Canada.
Healthy Sleep Habits
Suggestions to improve sleep.
Is my Patient Going to Get Better? Dave Walton
David Walton discusses some of the challenges when trying to predict the future for people after a whiplash injury.
LivingHealth Champlain LHIN
This is an online community chronic pain management program provided by what was the Champlain Integrated Health Network.
Motor Control To Motor Freedom: David Butler
A clinical trial suggests motor control training program is no more effective than an education program. Dave Butler says we may see this as a positive result.
Neck Care, Cochrane Systematic Reviews & Knowledge Translation: Anita Gross
Systematic reviews provide a huge volume of information, but it is often difficulty to use in clinical practice. Anita Gross has some ideas about how knowledge translation tools may help to bridge this knowledge to action gap.
Online Resources for Clinicians
This folder contains a variety of online resources from around the world.
Online Resources for Patients
A variety of online resources from around the world.
Paediatric Pain Course
This is an online course for health professionals managing pain in children.
Paediatric Pain Management Resources
A resource for self-managing paediatric pain.
Pelvic Pain Resources
Chronic Pelvic Pain Reading List (from the BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre)
Chronic Pelvic Pain Resources (from the BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre)
Relaxation Videos
Online guided meditation videos for sleep, stress relief, and healing.
Spinal Cord Injury Neuropathic Pain Resources
This section will contain links and resources for management of spinal cord injury neuropathic pain.
The Importance of Pain-Related Fear & Pain Catastrophizing in Physiotherapy
Fear and catastrophizing are two psychosocial factors that both predict physiotherapy outcomes, but also mediate recovery. This article addresses the importance of these factors for rehabilitation and how they can be targeted through physical therapy interventions.
Twitter Resources
In this section you can find a variety of people and organizations tweeting information about pain.
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