Great Reads
- Explain pain by Lorimer Moseley and David Butler NOI Group Publications 2003
- Painful yarns: Metaphors and stories to help understand the biology of pain by Lorimer Moseley Dancing Giraffe Press 2007
- Understand Pain, Live Well Again available at
- Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert 2006 Vintage Canada
- Emotional Anatomy by Stanley Keleman Center Press Berkeley 1985
- The Brain that Changes Itself
- Toward Better Pain Control by Allan Basbaum and David Julius. Scientific American June 2006
- Manage Your Pain: Practical and Positive Ways of Adapting to Chronic Pain. Nocholas M, Molloy A, Tonkin L, Beeston L souvenir Press Ltd London England
- Train Your Mind, Change your Brain: how a new Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to transform Ourselves. Sharon Begley, 2007 Ballantine Books
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