Committee Opportunities
Call for Nominees for Exec and Non-Exec Positions at the Pain Science Division
Current members of the Pain Science Division (PSD) are invited to apply to join the PSD Executive Committee and Non-Executive Subcommittees.
Overview of the PSD Executive
The PSD’s Vision is to support physiotherapists to help Canadians with pain to live better with the help of physiotherapy. The PSD endeavours to mirror the values of clinicians providing the best care possible to people living with pain. At the Pain Science Division, our values include: Inclusivity, Evidence-informed, Advocacy, Collaboration, Respect, Humility, and Accessibility. The PSD Executive consists of eight physiotherapists who are leaders in the areas of clinical practice, research and/or education within the field of pain. The Executive Committee shapes the vision for the Division and ensures that day-to-day activities are aligned with long-term goals. In addition to this leadership role, each Executive Committee member has important responsibilities for managing components of the Division. A central objective of the PSD is to facilitate the bidirectional translation of knowledge between pain research and clinical practice. Toward this goal, the Executive Committee must be comprised of a balance of individuals who are involved with pain research and clinical practice. All terms begin after the CPA Congress 2022 (first meeting after CPA Congress is in June; successful applicants will be given details).
In addition, the successful applicant will be expected to attend the PSD strategic planning meeting held following CPA Congress (most likely in the late summer or early Fall, TBD). The PSD executive will discuss applications. New executive will be selected based on qualifications and to achieve a diverse executive as much as possible. This process is conducted in accordance with CPA governance.
Interested candidates are invited to submit a one-page document (submitted as PDF or Word file) that outlines how their background, experience, and skill set will help them meaningfully contribute in the position that they are applying to, as well as the general direction, planning, and implementation of PSD initiatives. Applications must be submitted to the PSD chair (Arthur Woznowski-Vu; Questions should also be directed to the PSD chair. Apply now! Send your one-page application by email to:
General responsibilities of all executive members:
1. Direct, plan, manage and implement all PSD activities.
2. Attend monthly Executive virtual meetings.
3. Attend Annual General Meeting and Strategic Planning Meeting held online (virtual) in the months following the CPA Congress; and when in-person events resume then it will be in-person at CPA Congress each year (when in-person, travel expenses will be covered by the Division).
Specific responsibilities and desired qualities of the available positions (see next pages):
Call for Chair Elect
Term: One year as Chair-Elect, Two-years as Chair, One year as Past-Chair
- Preparing to assume the office of Chair by becoming familiar with the structure and functioning of the Division;
- Participating in the decision making of the Division;
- Attending, when possible, all Division meetings;
- Attending subcommittee meetings as needed to support the subcommittees and gain a better understanding of division activities
Desired skills and experiences:
- Experience or interest in developing management skills
- Experience in knowledge translation activities an asset
- Strong preference for previous involvement in PSD
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
- Passion and leadership experience in the field of pain and physiotherapy
- The ideal candidate would have a mix of clinical and research experience
Call for Treasurer
Term: Two-years
- Producing the PSD operational budget in cooperation with the PSD Chair Executive committee.
- Maintaining the PSD finances by depositing incoming revenue, paying for budgeted PSD expenses, presenting any additional expenses to the Executive Committee for decision.
- Collaborate with CPA National accounting team in managing the division finances.
- Leading and managing a PSD committee with a mandate aligned with the PSD’s strategic priorities in knowledge translation (e.g. PD Tool Development).
Desired skills and experiences:
- Experience managing a budget
- Passion and leadership experiences in the field of pain and physiotherapy
- Management experience or strong interest in developing management skills
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
Term: Two-years
- Producing, maintaining, and disseminating the official records of the Division, including Executive Meeting minutes, terms of reference and the Division’s constitution.
- Serving as a liaison between Division Executive and PSD members, which includes coordinating member surveys, Division elections and fielding member questions.
- Leading and managing the Professional Development Committee. The Professional Development Committee includes the Secretary and a team of non-executive members. The Committee’s mandate is to help the PSD Executive strategically plan professional development initiatives and to assist in coordinating their implementation.
Desired skills and experiences:
- Experience coordinating or implementing professional development initiatives.
- Leadership experience in the field of pain and physiotherapy
- Management experience or strong interest in developing management skills
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
- Experience working with the Pain Science Division and/or other CPA components
Call for Non-Executive members of Subcommittees
PSD would not exist without our knowledgeable hard-working volunteers. PSD has many committees chaired by executive members. These committee members play an essential role in the growth of our division participating in activities that allow us to support our members. We are seeking committee members for the following
Terms of commitment: 1 year which can be extended
Communication committee (2 positions)
Working with the PSD’s Communication Exec, this committee is responsible for eblasts, social media posts, blogs, and website. They also are involved in assisting the preparation of pain related short content for CPA for specific uses (i.e. 30REPS)
Call for French Rep (1 position)
We are actively recruiting a French-speaking Pain Science Division member to assist us with increasing the availability of our resources in French. Interested applicants should have excellent written language skills in both English and French.
Physiotherapy Students are most welcome to apply. Please send a letter with a 250-word bio and why you would like to join to the PSD chair (Arthur Woznowski-Vu;
Call for PSD Student subcommittee
Consider becoming a PSD student committee member!
What is it?
Student group made up of PT students across Canada
One leader of the group appointed by the PSD for that year
Who Can participate?
Any PT student, in any year of study
How long is the program and how often do they meet?
1 year program length
Student member will meet every month
Leader of the student group will attend PSD Executive meetings
- Enhances communication amongst physiotherapy students interested in pain Science
- Connect with PSD mentors, researchers, and clinicians
- Develops programs and initiatives for student members
- Provides a forum where students can talk about issues and share ideas
Why be a PSD student committee member?
Connect with other students from across Canada in a formal committee! This is a great opportunity to develop leadership skills and connect with current PT students interested in pain science. You will also, learn more about professional issues and become actively involved in PSD and CPA. It also gives you a voice when PSD is developing materials to target student needs.
Interested in becoming the PSD student leader (“Student Subcommittee Chair”)? See below.
Please send a simple email of interest to the current (outgoing) Chair of the student subcommittee at the PSD (Roshni Ravi;, 2022
The PSD student leader (“Student Subcommittee Chair”) is considered an Executive position at the PSD. If you are interested in this position, consider the following:
The term will be for one year. The responsibilities of the leader of the committee will be as follows: (1) Supporting existing PSD projects and leading these projects with the PSD student group, (2) informing/promoting to your peers about the PSD, (3) student-led initiatives and (4) Attending the executive committee meetings
Interested candidates are invited to submit a one-page document (submitted as PDF or Word file) that outlines how their background, experience, and skill set will help them meaningfully contribute in the position that they are applying to, as well as the general direction, planning, and implementation of PSD initiatives (see above, first page). Applications must be submitted to the PSD chair (Arthur Woznowski-Vu; . Questions should also be directed to the PSD chair.
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