The Paediatric Division is proud to support and recognize outstanding clinicians who have made significant contributions in the area of paediatric physiotherapy.

Rising Star Distinction

This distinction is to recognize and acknowledge a student or new graduate physiotherapist (PT)/physiotherapy assistant (PTA) who has demonstrated potential to be an excellent PT/PTA in paediatric practice through her/his exceptional contribution to paediatric education, clinical practice, and/or research.

Nominations are accepted from any of the following: clinical instructor, professor, colleague, or peer with one additional letter of support. Nominations should be directed to before October 1st of each year. The nominee must be a member of the Paediatric Division and supporting rationale for the nomination must be included. 

  • Has demonstrated consistent special interest in paediatric physiotherapy during the academic and; 
  • Clinical education aspects of the physiotherapy program and/or his/her initial year of clinical practice
  • Has excelled in academic and clinical education aspects of the physiotherapy program, particularly in paediatric components
  • Has participated in/contributed to research activities that have enhanced the evidence base for paediatric clinical practice
  • Has volunteered for/participated in extra‐curricular opportunities with children during the physiotherapy program and/or first year of practice that indicates his/her commitment to paediatric physiotherapy

Nominations will be reviewed by the Paediatric Division executive committee and the successful nominee and their nominator will be notified by email. The recipient will be invited to submit a photo with a short bio which will be posted on the website and acknowledged in an e-blast to all Division members. A certificate of recognition will be sent to the recipient.

The 2019/2020 recipients are Samantha Triemstra and Jenn Evans.
The 2018/2019 recipients are Carly Aspden and Nicole Hughes.
The 2017/2018 recipients are Hillary Abramsky and Lauren Hogarth.
The 2016/2017 recipient is Stuart Reimer.
The 2015/2016 recipients are Colleen Barbalinardo and Tia Kiez.
The 2014/2015 recipient is Laura Brunton.

Margaret Finley Vatcher Award

The Margaret Finley Vatcher arrived in Canada in 1931 after graduating as a physiotherapist in Chelsea, England. She was the Director of Physiotherapy at the Children’s Memorial Hospital in Montreal. In addition to this she was a consultant to other hospitals where physiotherapy departments were being established.

Margaret played an active part in the organization of the McGill School of Physiotherapy and she was Assistant Director and Lecturer there from 1943-1947. She was a visiting lecturer at the University of Toronto in 1941 and 1943.

Margaret was very active in the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. She served as a President for a time and while in this position she participated in the Military Affairs Committee and was Chairman of the Examining Board. The award is named in her memory and was established in 1979 to recognize a physiotherapist who has made a significant contribution to the management and treatment of children.

Criteria for Nomination

  • Member of CPA and the Paediatric Division
  • Nominated by his/her peers
  • Recognized as a knowledge expert
  • Facilitates communication clinically
  • Promotes an innovative approach

Nomination Procedure

  • A nomination letter outlining the uniqueness of the individual and how he/she meets the criteria of the award
  • Two letters of support for the nomination, at least one from a physiotherapist
  • Curriculum Vitae of the nominee
  • Nominations must be submitted to the Paediatric Division Chair and the deadline for submission is April 30 each year
  • The recipient will receive their award by mail and will be invited to submit a photo with a short bio that will be shared in an e-blast to all Division members

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